Saturday, November 7, 2009

Answer to Life Long prayer.

Hello. Its been a LONG while since our last post and update on blogspot. But we have GREAT news...... Sunday November 1st, we found out that we are going to have our 6th child. :) This is such a blessing and answer to prayer for us. It has been 12 years since our last child. There have been many complications with in the last 12 years and have had many misscarrages. We are taking this one day at a time, and trusting the Lord for what ever his will is for this baby. Please pray that the Lord will alow Teresa to cary this baby to full term. We are VERY excited about this baby. I will keep updating on status of baby and mama. :)


  1. congrats again--we are so excited!! Praise the Lord!! We love you guys!

  2. We are so excited for you!! We are diligently praying for you and baby!

